Generation Vote 100% Pledge Students


Take the Pledge

Are you interested in receiving more information to make sure you have all you need to engage in this year's election?

Generation Vote 100% Pledge

Go 100% for Campus Democracy

  • Registering yourself to vote/verifying your registration status
  • Make the Plan to Register Your Squad (Who are your folks, and have you made sure they’re registered?)

Share your story with us: On social media, or on our website share with us why you’re voting this year

Hold your Administration/President accountable and ask them if they’ve taken the Generation Vote Pledge

Call your President, ask for a meeting, and follow-up until you’ve gotten a response (Our team can help you with this!)

There is a rising movement right now

There’s a MLK quote that folks are saying at protests in the streets— “Riot is the voice of the unheard” but what is also important is the second part of that quote, “What is it that America is not hearing?” The vast majority of people are not being heard right now especially within the context of this election. Right now voter registration rates have plummeted in relation to the rates in the same months in 2016. Declines in voter registration rates have been as significant as 75% in some states. We have to ensure that the voice of our people, especially of our youngest people are heard now more than ever.

Right now is the time to make sure that your voice and the voice of so many other students and young people across the country doesn’t get lost in the news cycle. We know that elections are not nearly the only place we want to be heard, but we also know that there shouldn’t be any space, any place where students’ voices are not represented.

With the rising attacks on the post office, the attacks on voting by mail, the attempts to remove people from the rolls, and limit polling places shows us that some forces do not want the voices of everyone to be heard. We will not let anyone take away our voice or our vote, and this is why we ask you to stand up and take the Generation Vote Pledge with us today.